Who we are Lloguer 3.0

My name is Iolanda Perich and I have been dedicated to the world of tourism and tourist accommodation for more than 25 years that gives me an experience and a personal concern to try to know you before you even arrive at the accommodation.
Lloguer 3.0 was born with the aim of helping you to find not only the accommodation that best suits you, but we also provide a full service of activities that we can help you to prepare from here.
Lloguer 3.0 we love direct contact, knowing your preferences and how we can help you to make your vacations on the Costa Brava the best and fill them with good memories and new experiences.
We are much more than a tourist apartment rental service, we also help you prepare the vacation of your dreams.
We prepare the agenda for scuba diving or any activity that you want also if you want your family or partner to find a personal detail when they arrive, such as a bouquet of flowers or tickets for a concert or any other activity; we prepare it for you without problems.
We have a set of houses and apartments at your disposal, contact us and we will find what you are looking for, holidays are to be enjoyed and we are here to make them come true.

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