Lloguer Turístic Lloguer 3.0 Apartaments Turístics Vacances Costa Brava Alquiler Vacacional Alquiler Vacaciones Alquiler pisos Gestió Lloguers

Lloguer 3.0 is in charge of all transforming your home in the top habitat in the tourist sector. We’ll give advice for the making your home one of the highers of la Costa Brava. We manage any housing for tourist use: farmhouse, house, apartment, apartment, villa.

We will work for you and get the most out of it.

Our services are:

Advice on how and what to do at the tourist accommodation to be successful.

-Management of the rent through the most important tourism platforms.

-High quality photographic report.

-Check-in and Check-out of the clients

-Management of the keys

-24h customer service.

-House cleaning service

-Changes of clothes and cleaning of the same


-Housing maintenance

-We manage the entry register to the squad

-Payments of the tourist tax

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