After listening to the needs of the owners of tourist accommodation, we decided to carry out the project called Lloguer 3.0 Gestió d’habitatge d’ús turístic and make it a reality
We are professionals with many years of experience in the world of tourist rental in the Costa Brava, we know what both the owners of the houses, and the clients who come to do tourism and want to feel at home need.
Lloguer 3.0. manage tourist rentals in the municipalities of our environment with an integral service. We also manage the rental promotion and management service for any home outside of our surroundings.
Lloguer 3.0 we take care of all the management of tourist rental, we are clear about the needs of the owners and tourists who want to spend their holidays as well as possible. We are the perfect solution in both cases.
If they want to gain tranquility and money, we will work together. With us you will find the perfect guide to increase your income without doing anything.

We are the solution

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